We’re halfway there!!! So crazy!
I have been in peak second trimester productivity mode, and I love it. This week I hyper-focused on some really fun, creative projects. There’s a voice in my head that’s warning me I should be directing that energy towards more relevant things, but I tell it to hush. The time will come for those things.
Monday was a whirlwind of frenzied sewing. I started with a skirt I’ve been wanting to make for myself, plus a matching one for Remi with the extra fabric. Then I made a nursing poncho type piece for myself as well as one for my sister-in-law, Laci. I was inspired by this $100 one from Amma. My result is a bit different and the fabric has a stiffer quality, but I still think it will be nice for the colder months. I also would like to try again sometime with a different fabric, just for fun. I finished up my sewing projects with some bunny-ear teethers, some pretty hair-bows, and a pacifier clip. It was a pretty productive Monday!
I am blessed to have sisters who share my tendency to be extra, so when my sister Brianna suggested I made sugar cookies for Laci’s shower, the idea snagged into my brain and wouldn’t let go. I ordered cookie cutters that arrived midweek and began baking on Thursday. Normally I like to take 3 days for cookies: Day 1 – Baking, Day 2 – Icing, and Day 3 – Decorating. Because of the tighter schedule I was forced to bake and ice them on Thursday and decorate on Friday.
When I make these cookies, it often consumes me. It consumes my brain, my house, my time. But this time I made a conscious effort to do better and I really think it went much more smoothly! Or I’m just very spoiled to be operating in my current motivated state of mind. Every time I make these cookies I learn something new and improve slightly. I think I might make a separate blog post about cookies, if I ever get to it. Then I can go into more detail. Basically, it was a satisfying project to tackle.
Saturday we drove to my parents’ house to help with the baby shower for Laci and celebrate Mother’s Day weekend. My other hyper-focus for the shower was a “blonde” charcuterie board that I dreamed up, inspired by one I had seen on Pinterest. It was originally supposed to be a backup in case I couldn’t make the cookies happen. But in the end I just had to do both. My lovely sister, Brianna, who shares these tendencies to be extra, made macarons and a lemon poppy seed cake as well as some beautiful fruit trays. Everything looked so great! The shower was fun and it was a blessing to spend time with my family.
Other miscellaneous accomplishments/highlights:
- Planted some herby stragglers that I hadn’t found places for in my garden
- Bought and assembled a small, new patio table ($50 at Aldi!)
- Attended 4th grade transition to see the school Miles might go to next year
- Got a great new tumbler for Mother’s Day and it already has helped me stay more hydrated
- Found and purchased possibly the most beautiful roses I’ve very seen.
Fun/Cheesy Update Survey
Baby’s Size | Papaya! (Fun fact: I also ate some papaya over the weekend)
Sleep | Pretty consistent. I wake up 2-3 times for bathroom breaks. On nights the kids stay in their own beds I sleep markedly better. Otherwise I just make do and praise God I wake up with the energy to tackle my wild ideas. So I’ll call that good.
Clothes | I was pretty excited to make the skirt I’ve been envisioning. It isn’t quite as magical as I had dreamed (I used elastic that wasn’t thick enough/strong enough and it isn’t super flattering over all) but it’s a pretty fabric and I’m happy to have something new to add to my wardrobe.
I also put in another order to Shein (I might be addicted) that includes some maternity swimsuits and a few more jumpers. They’re supposed to arrive by the end of the month and I’m excited! We have a family trip to a resort in Branson planned for the beginning of June and I’m hoping the swimsuits will be useful and appreciated for that.
Cravings | I’ve been enjoying food a smidge more this week than last. Some highlights: a loaded Subway sandwich, more Starbucks coffees, frosted shredded mini wheat cereal, beef bacon (to be fair, my whole family seemed to feel the same way during brunch on Sunday), DQ ice cream cake, and pretzels with cream cheese.
Food Aversions | Nothing that stands out. One thing that can be infuriating and has been common throughout this pregnancy: I will make something that sounds delicious, then I will eat and often enjoy that thing for one meal, then I will think of eating it again the next day and it sounds just awful. I made two new meals last week and experienced this phenomenon in both cases.
Symptoms | Just stinking huge. LOL. But for real, I’ve been hot and extra sweaty, dealing with stiff and achy hips/feet, more bruises on my feet, geographic tongue (click at your own risk), and overall feeling out of breath and out of shape. Also some mild headaches, but again, wondering if that could be related to the weather since we’ve had more rain and storms this week.
Doctor’s Appointment | I have a level 2 sono tomorrow and a follow up OB appointment on Wednesday. I’m excited to see baby again and to run some errands in the area while I’m up there.
Weight | I still haven’t weighed. I’ve decided I’ll simply wait to see where I’m at during my doctor appointments this week.
Movement | Still the best thing ever. He’s moving around so much and when he’s quiet for awhile and I feel that little “thrump” I smile and find it comforting that he’s with me.
Gender | Reassigned category: Name. We have settled on a first name! That name is… Aramis! I’ll give you a little backstory for this name just for fun if you’re curious.
I’ve had a running list of baby names since I was pregnant with Miles (11 years). I just add names when I come across them. For the last few years I’ve held “Summit” as my top boy name. Steven never really loved it, though. At the beginning of this pregnancy, I started a new list of names that includes boy and girl names I liked. Most of them were single syllables and many were gender neutral. When we found out we were having a boy, I read all of them to Steven and he didn’t really feel drawn to any of them. I also had to admit that as I read through the list, nothing really clicked for me.
A few days later Steven randomly asked me “What were the names of the 3 Musketeers?” So I told him and he didn’t say anything back. I sort of wondered if he had asked because he was thinking of names for baby. So I repeated the names to myself “Athos, Porthos, Aramis” and mentally decided that of the 3 I liked Aramis the best. That night I asked Steven “When you asked me about Musketeer names, was it because of baby names?” He admitted that was why and we both said right afterwards that we actually really like the name Aramis. It was the first name that really clicked. I think the idea came to Steven partly because he was considering that with a third boy in the family, they could be like the three musketeers.
I spent the next couple days imagining middle names and potential nick names and feeling really good about it. This was almost 2 months ago. During the time since I have had moments of doubt about the name and worried that I couldn’t find any good, short nick names. (For instance, I like to call Remi, “Rems” sometimes.) Or that his name was longer than our other kids. Or that there was something better out there we hadn’t found yet. But this whole time I had to admit that nothing else fit. The truth is, he’s been Aramis from that day we both said it out loud.
I love that this is a name that Steven first came up with. Our other kids’ names were at least at one point my idea. Steven liked them, too, or helped narrow them down, but they weren’t ones he had found originally or thought of himself. I’m sure he’s come up with great suggestions over the years but I’m kind of a baby name machine lol.
So this week we revisited and agreed that his name is and has been Aramis in our heads and hearts for a long time already. We are still working on a middle name but it’s exciting to have a name settled. As for nicknames I can see us occasionally calling him Ari or Ames, but we also love his name as it is. Aramis
Best moment of the week |
There were so many great ones! (See almost everything above!). Seeing my family, Laci’s shower, making cookies, sewing fun things, staring at my garden (lol I’m a dork), assembling the patio table with Steven, driving in the car to and from my parent’s (it’s a great time for day dreaming together), and several enjoyable moments scattered throughout the week.
What I miss | My chin. Lol. Being able to wear my shoes without knowing I’m going to have bruises later. Being more mobile.
What I’m looking forward to | Getting started on house projects, continuing garden things, more errands and projects and prep to come. Summer vacations.
Miles: Baby Bump | 20 Weeks
Finn: Baby Bump Day | 20 Weeks
Remi: Belly Day // Twenty Weeks