Baby Bump Day | 22 Weeks

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! We are moving so fast! I’m thrilled and terrified. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!! Now that Christmas has passed, my thoughts are crowding in on musings of organization and getting the boys’ room ready for two! I have plans for matching boxes to hide junk, a few new pieces of furniture and finding ways to make their little room something special for them both.
Christmas was awesome. Miles is at a fun age now. He knows how to rip the wrapping paper off and gets excited about his toys, but he isn’t old enough to be disappointed by anything. It was great to watch him light up with every new gift and to see him helping everyone else open theirs. His favorite gift might be a Spiderman action figure I bought at Goodwill for $2. Our whole family was blessed with love and family and gifts this year and it was a sweet couple days we all got to spend together. I’m sitting somewhere comfortably in the middle, I feel no regrets for Christmas fun that wasn’t had and yet I’m still feeling little spurts of holiday cheer as we wait for the new year to come along officially.
Baby’s Size| A papaya. Oooh, that’s fun to say.
Sleep | Pretty awesome! Activities associated with Christmas have thrown off Miles’ naps and such a bit, but I’m still getting what I need. Depending on what position I end up in, I occasionally wake stiff and sore, but nothing I can’t live with.
Clothes | I was given an awesome Christmas sweater by my hubby and plenty of new, comfy footwear and some clothes! Comfort is queen.
Cravings | Really I haven’t had any cravings, I’m just stuffing it all in. I ate way too many chips the other day and Miles and I have been downing mandarin oranges like crazy. I also had a pretty great order of french toast at IHOP the other day. Ok. I need to stop now or I’m going to wake up Miles from his naps, pack up and head to IHOP right now.
Food Aversions | Maybe something gross like…. like…. nope. Nothing sounds gross.
Symptoms | Pretty much what I’ve already been describing. Plus the need to pee is intensifying daily in both frequency and urgency.
Doctor’s Appointment | January 12… Crossing my fingers. Good glucose, good glucose…
Movement | <3
Belly Button | The top of my belly button is starting to poke, like the lip of a shelf. Ew.
Gender | Crazy little man in there, being cute and boyish.
Best moment of the week | Christmas with my family! Making holiday memories with kids is just fantastic.
What I miss | Drinking beers. SO funny because I don’t drink beer, but I kept seeing others drinking it lately and it makes me jealous.
I love your bonus pictures! Also I laughed when I read that you miss drinking “beers” hahaha. It’s so crazy that you are more than halfway there! I can’t wait to see how the boys’ room comes together :)