And some Debussy. Mmmm! Makes for a good morning!
Steven left for work and I’ve been dealing with some hormone-induced separation anxiety lately. I wished so badly that I could fall back to sleep so I wouldn’t have to be alone.
*Collective “awwww” of sympathy.
We woke up to a shocking crack of thunder and I’ve been sighing through the grey and dreary morning since. To comfort myself, I toasted some pop tarts and made myself some chai tea. I thought, to occupy my lonely brain, I would just ramble a bit about life. You have been warned of the impending boredom.
Last week I took the whole day Friday to clean this apartment from top to bottom. Well, everything except the bedrooms. And the bathrooms might have been only cleaned middle to middle. But it was wonderful to finally accomplish something I could feel good about. It was mostly as a surprise for Steven’s birthday weekend so he could enjoy the days in a clean apartment. But it got me realizing that now that I finally have a modicum of energy I want to set aside a day per week (Fridays?) to feel domestic and indulge the Martha Stewart in me. I am presently working up the motivation to do that. Last Friday was sunny and inspiring. This Friday, as previously stated, is grey and dreary. But I have tea, so perhaps things will look up.
Also on the agenda today: Beth will probably be coming by late this morning so we can take a walk, then she might even stay awhile to help motivate me through some cleaning and organization today. Maybe. Possibly. My guest room closet frightens me. Perhaps I’ll start “small” with the pantry? Then, come evening, I will have the pleasure of Chantel and Doug’s company. We are making jambalaya! Then the weekend may officially begin.
In the weeks to come I have some intense design work on my plate as well as several family functions, our ultrasound on Monday (so excited!) and another nephew on the way! I’m so happy I’m finally in a semi-fog-free place now so I can enjoy it. I’m also feeling the time crunch of the second semester. So much to accomplish still! The next step towards baby room making is to empty the current guestroom of furniture to make space. We will be storing most of our things at Steven’s parents’ garage/storage but it looks like we might have to sell the bed. I feel an odd feeling of loss as I consider the thought. It’s just so comfy! And my new mommy hormones are making me sentimental about the whole thing. Oh well. This time of our lives is about the new, not the old. Perhaps I should just get it over with and move on. Move onto baby cribs. :) Speaking of… let’s talk baby things. Why not? It’s my blog, so I can do that.
Here is my board on Pinterest for baby related things.
Some things I am excited about:
Finally settling on the perfect crib
I have just a few more weeks that I plan to allow myself to consider my decision but this is the front-runner at the moment:
Graco Somerset Convertible Crib

And here are a few others I like: Babyletto Modo 3 in 1 Crib with Toddler Rail & Bassettbaby Cape Cod 3 in 1 Convertible Crib, White & Babyletto Mercer 3 in 1 Convertible Crib with Toddler Rail
Making my own baby mobile
If you checked out my board on Pinterest you might have seen some of my inspiration images, but here are my two primary sources for inspiration:
The gender reveal
We are having the reveal on the same day as my sister’s graduation, so I want to find a way to slip it in there subtly, so we can still celebrate the excitement of it but share the day equally. I think I’ll have a board for people to record their guesses on, as well as some bows and mustaches for people to wear in support of their decisions. The reveal itself will likely be a box of helium balloons, either in pink or blue. I came across several ways to reveal, but this was the best combination of creative/fun as well as practical. Another favorite was colored water dumped on the heads of the parents, but I don’t want to get wet. Plus, we will already know the gender, so no need to surprise us! I would have probably gone with colored confetti instead, if that was the case.
I have several other brainstorms in the works, but those are either the most relevant or the most prevalent in my thoughts lately. I think I’ve sufficiently kept myself company with this blog for now. Love you all!
YAY!! I’m super excited for the gender reveal party! I’m rooting for pink ;) Also, I wish I had tea and pop tarts too but instead I think I’ll eat waffles because I’ve been craving those haha. The crib is super cute. I really do love it, especially the white! Love your updates BFF! <3