I’m slacking somewhat this week. I technically turn “25 weeks” today, but I’m writing about 24 and haven’t taken the photo yet, either. Oops!
Last week was a full one, with many errands while the kids spent the mornings in VBS. I never did get to any remodel type work, but I did manage to find some bras and shoes that fit, get my eyebrows done, and prep for our weekend getaway with Steven’s family.
Our trip to Branson this year was another filled with summer activities. This was our fourth year staying at Still Waters resort on Table Rock Lake. The kids love it because they get to live their dream of swimming to their hearts’ content. We also spent a day at Silver Dollar City, which is one of my own favorite Branson memories from my youth. This year we also added some go-karting which was another thing we used to do as kids and it was fun to see my own children making those memories, too!
One fun thing Steven and I got to do together was go see the show “Queen Ester” at Sight and Sound. It was a great chance to do something adult together and I’m really grateful we got to go! The set and the costumes and everything was captivating.
Otherwise I basically stuffed my face with all kinds of junk food and ice cream and food truck fare, took poolside naps and read books on my phone.
Now that we’re back I am eager to dive into a more regular summer routine, but also begin ripping apart my house in order to paint, put in new flooring, replace trim and otherwise overhaul everything. Which is kind of funny since it seems directly opposed to settling into any kind of routine. But I am itching to make it happen! I’m a little worried that I don’t know what I’m getting into, but we’ve waiting long enough and I don’t want to put it off any longer. We’re hoping in the next few days to work through some of the logistics of where to put things while we work and how to haul away the construction debris and things like that. I appreciate all the prayers I can get! I really hope this can run smoothly and that I have the energy and strength to carry out all these ambitious plans.
Speaking of, I have been a lot more tired and hormonal this week. I don’t know if some of it is just the strain of packing and managing things on vacation or just where I’m at in this pregnancy, but I am winded just walking up our half flights of stairs or a gently sloping hill. I’ve had nausea again at night and off and on during the day as well as other digestive issues and physical discomforts. And I keep crying at the lamest things lol. I’m fighting the overwhelm when I think of all I want to get done, but at the same time I’m filled with motivation and determination! I would love if my body would please cooperate with my brain!
I am generally excited about the coming week(s) and hope that I can tackle the things I’m envisioning with the same kind of gusto that I felt a couple weeks ago. So keep those prayers coming!!!
Fun/Cheesy Update Survey
Baby’s Size | Cantaloupe (which I also, incidentally, having been consuming with enthusiasm this week)
Sleep | It isn’t too exciting. I’m having a little more trouble positioning myself comfortably without causing sharp pain in my ligaments, but once I’m asleep I am in a regular cycle of waking every few hours to use the restroom, sip some water, and climb back into bed. I got to have a bed to myself most of our trip, which was quite lovely! I’m mostly grateful that I am not having any trouble falling or staying asleep.
Clothes | I keep thinking I’m done and I finally have everything I need. Last week I found some bras. It’s incredible what a difference it can make just to have one that fits! It’s still kind of uncomfortable, but at least they fit. I also bought some new shoes! Some Crocs and some Hey Dudes. Ironically, they are both shoes I haven’t really been a fan of before, but the necessity of comfort has me becoming a fast fan of both. They felt like Heaven on my feet when I first tried them on. After wearing them for a couple days I’ve realized I still get blisters and bruises, but there isn’t as much strain on the muscles in my feet and if I don’t have to wear them for a full, long day they suit just fine! I also have a cute pair of sandals I ordered that aren’t as comfortable but should hopefully work for dresses and things.
Now I think the only clothing item I still have in my sights is a fancy dress for maternity photos. That’s still very unsettled and up in the air, but I have an urge to sew my own like a crazy person. So, if I can fit that in around massive construction projects perhaps I’ll accomplish it. I know, sometimes I think I’m insane.
Cravings | Nothing specific but dang, I have been eating SO. MUCH. STINKING. FOOD!!! I want to eat constantly! I’m really, really trying to cut out some of the sugar and junk starting this week because it has been bad. I had so many chips and fried food and ice cream and funnel cakes and bagels and waffles and cereal and just… so much. The only moderately healthy thing I’ve been craving is fruit. I’ve been eating a lot of melons and cherries and so many apples! I just haven’t felt well, so I’m going to try to focus my cravings on things that are healthier if I can, with the occasional, thought-out dessert here and there perhaps.
Food Aversions | I’ve been having a lot of unpleasant phlegm issues still, which is worse when I eat very strong, heavy foods and flavors. I’ve been averse to BBQ type things. Some of the foods I’ve been eating I’ve been stuffing in my mouth but almost averse to them at the same time. Hormones. Geez.
Symptoms | Swelling, breathlessness, weak muscles, weepiness, nausea, reflux, intestinal discomfort, and stiffness. There’s probably even more but that’s good for now lol.
Doctor’s Appointment | I have an appointment on Friday. I’m nervous because it’s my glucose test. With my first pregnancy I was borderline and had to do the 3 hour test. With the other 2 I was nervous but passed. This time I really worry I’ll either be borderline or have GD. My awful diet lately combined with the way I’ve been feeling has me really doubtful I’ll pass. I’m going to try to clean up the sugar this week in preparation and see how it goes. I’m also nervous about the drink/test itself. I don’t handle massive amounts of sugar well anyway (have more heart palpitations and things) so I’m not looking forward to downing that glucose. I considered just monitoring my blood sugar multiple times a day for a week+ instead which my OB would let me do (though she advised against it), but now I’m leaning towards just going to the glucose test and getting it over with. So again, prayers? Thanks lol.
Weight | *Cry face* I still haven’t weighed myself. I’m just going to see what they measure at my Friday appointment. At this point I just assume I’m steadily gaining and gaining and gaining. And with the way I’ve been eating I can’t expect much else anyway haha.
Movement | Oh his kicks are just the best. They remind me of the happy part of all this. Motivation/mental eagerness and baby kicks. The highlights of pregnancy <3
Gender | The kids have such a sweet relationship with Aramis already! It’s something that’s definitely more noticeable in this pregnancy compared to others since they are all so much older. They are really experiencing it together. The anticipation and cute comments are the best.
Best moment of the week | Probably at SDC when Remi wanted to get her face painted and look at Princess dresses. I got to take her by myself to get spoiled with a mermaid face and we bought her some accessories to compliment her mermaid look. She had such a great time and it was really fun for me. I rented an electric kart for SDC and I’m so glad I did that! It was so much better than huffing and puffing up the hills. I could drive it and hold Remi’s hand while she walked. It was cute.
What I miss | Oh this one is strong this week. It was really hard to be at SDC and not get to go on any rides. I thought maybe I could do Fire in the Hole one last time since after this summer they are getting rid of it, but I was banished. Same for the river ride. I knew the big coasters were off the menu but seeing them, towering over the trees caused an ache inside of me! Then, on our final night when we went to ride go karts I couldn’t do that either.

I just have felt very limited lately and I miss feeling free and capable. I accepted my fate, but the ache was there.
What I’m looking forward to | There are several things I’d like for this summer before baby and they’re kind of tentative but I’m holding them close in hope that they can happen. A babymoon, a baby shower, maternity photos (hopefully at babymoon destination), and all the flooring/remodel dreams I’ve been working towards.
Curious? Here are my updates from my first pregnancies for this week…
Miles: Baby Bump | 24 Weeks
Finn: Baby Bump Day | 24 Weeks
Remi: Belly Day // Twenty-Four Weeks