Well, I’m ashamed to say I’ve dropped the ball rather early. I’ve been determined to document this pregnancy consistently but I’ve fallen behind. I remember much about what I wanted to say for my 18 week update, though, so I’m going to include the info here even though it will not be accompanied by an official update photo.
This week was a busy one! We had much going on at church, as well as preparations for Steven and Finn’s birthdays. Overall it was a productive, if somewhat exhausting, week. I cleaned the kids’ bedrooms better than they have been in months! I took newborn photos of my sweet nephew. I made 2 charcuterie boards and a Bundt cake. I celebrated 2 birthdays, including prepping for and hosting a small party for Finn.
Fun/Cheesy Update Survey
Baby’s Size | sweet red pepper or artichoke
Sleep | Overall I got decent sleep this week. I napped a bunch on the days that would allow it. I keep finding myself productive and with more energy in the mornings still, and craving a nap by mid-afternoon.
Clothes | This one is slowly improving, but It’s been a tough journey. The weather has been getting warmer, allowing me to wear my latest go-to getup: Demin shortalls (yes, that’s what they’re called on Target’s website). I can definitely see myself living in the same few items all summer.
Cravings | I can’t really pinpoint any specific cravings, which is kind of odd! The only stand-out has been my favorite iced decaf coffee from Starbucks. So instead of cravings I would look to my habitual snacks/meals which have been egg & avocado toast with chili-garlic oil for breakfast, and peanut butter banana toast at night before bed. Trident cinnamon gum after pretty much every meal.
Food Aversions | Again, these outweigh the cravings. I’m able to eat more and enjoy food more, but when the nausea is strong, very little sounds good.
Symptoms | Still experiencing consistent nausea at night, some swelling, sore & bruised feet.
Doctor’s Appointment | Anatomy scan is May 16!
Weight | This is the first week I felt like the weight gain had slowed down a bit. But it’s still a lot and scary.
Movement | Many flutters this week. Once I started feeling it, they just kept coming! Still my favorite part of pregnancy.
Gender | We have had a name in mind since right after we found out it was a boy and the farther along we get the more I think of him as that name and the more I’m antsy to just settle on a name so I can start using it. Maybe we’ll make it official soon, we’ll see.
Best moment of the week | Maybe making the orange cardamom cake for the Lily Symposium? Or perhaps Friday night when Steven and I got to have a date night to celebrate his birthday. Also the next morning when I got to run around by myself and prepare for Finn’s birthday celebration. Then the actual birthday party when I got to see family.
What I miss | The good parts of previous pregnancies, like nausea disappearing completely and enjoying all food and not gaining weight as quickly.
What I’m looking forward to | Garden season!
Curious? Here are my updates from my first two pregnancies for this week…
Miles: Baby Bump | 18 Weeks
Finn: Baby Bump Day | 18 Weeks
Remi: N/A