My Little Boy is Three! My sweet oldest boy turned the big THREE in September! We celebrated with a big monster party. It was the first party where Miles picked the theme himself. We were browsing Pinterest and he saw a pin of some awesome eyeball monster cookies by Kristyn here and insisted that’s what he wanted…Continue Reading “Mister Miles | Three Years Old”
I like to force my photography onto my friends and family like the awkward person that I am. For that reason, I suggested that my BFF get her family together for a session this summer when they were all in town for the first time in a long while. I’m so happy it worked out because…Continue Reading “Family Session | The Skeltons”
My big little. I call Miles my little big and Finn is my big little. Somehow that makes sense to me. Finn amazes me. Motherhood is almost a brand new experience this time around. Seeing each of my boys develop their own personality and quirks and imagining what passions they will discover as their sponginess expands…Continue Reading “Finn | 4 Months”
As we turn the corner from September to October, my brain begins to consider all the great fall things: brisk walks, admiring fallen leaves as they swirl to the ground, baking a thousand yummy things (building up my tolerance to calories in preparation for the holidays, of course), picking apples, and fall mini sessions! I am super stoked…Continue Reading “2015 October Fall Mini Sessions”
Whole Wheat Banana Muffins with Cinnamon Crumb Topping
Categories Food, My Life, Recipes, Tasty TuesdaysThat’s Right!!! Tasty Tuesday is BACK! Is it back for a day? A week ? To stay? I don’t know. But my head is swimming with thoughts of fall baking recipes, so as long as I’m riding this wave, you can share it with me. Do you have that one recipe that can instantly transport you back to…Continue Reading “Whole Wheat Banana Muffins with Cinnamon Crumb Topping”
Welcome Baby Zebulun – Newborn Lifestyle Session
Categories Children/Babies, Lifestyle, PhotographyMy brother and his amazing wife, Jenna, welcomed their third little man into the family a couple months ago. I am immeasurably blessed by every opportunity I am given to document the meaningful moments in the lives of those I love. From the anticipation of new life I shared with them during Jenna’s maternity session to the…Continue Reading “Welcome Baby Zebulun – Newborn Lifestyle Session”
The first three months of Finn’s life have shot past me at lightning speed. I was so busy just keeping my two kids alive and making sure I remembered to feed them, I didn’t have time to notice how much Finn had grown! Then we visited my family and had a chance to meet the…Continue Reading “Finn | 3 Months”
This month seemed to speed by. It was characterized by growth spurts and the resolution of things that were confusing during that first month. He spit up less, he learned to latch better and seemed to grow more accustomed to the outside world. At his 2-month well visit (which actually occurred around 10 weeks) his…Continue Reading “Finn | 2 Months”
During the first month I was transported back to “new parent” status, terrified of each new thing that seemed different or unexplained and trying to do my best to relearn the process of taking care of a brand new baby. Finn’s belly button was different and he sneezed more and grunted more and had crazy…Continue Reading “Finn | 1 Month”
In a Field with Flowers – Lizzy’s Maternity Session
Categories Children/Babies, Lifestyle, My Life, PhotographyWhen my very best friend came to visit a couple months ago, we made sure to document her second pregnancy with some sun-filled images in “the” field. It was all that used to separate us from each other during our childhood. We might live several states apart now, but we still get to share all the…Continue Reading “In a Field with Flowers – Lizzy’s Maternity Session”