March 30, 2015

Belly Day – 34 Weeks

belly baby bump day - 34 weeks

Oh, how quickly I have gone from mildly miserable to fully miserable! I know I complain a ton on this blog, but it’s sort of my outlet (along with other outlets, like anyone else who is within hearing distance). Sunday I thought it would be a brilliant idea to trim our rose bushes. Half way through I began to feel the ache, but I was determined to push through. That night I was truly regretting it and could barely manage to stand upright in the kitchen while preparing dinner. That night we fell asleep at 7:30 (very early for us) and the first 3-4 times I woke up to pee I literally had to hold onto objects along the way so I could make it to the bathroom without collapsing. By some miracle, the 5th time I woke up I could walk! It was a relief, because I had a Dr. appointment the next day as well as plans to do some grocery shopping and I had been beginning to panic, wondering how I was going to walk at all! The good news is that I was able to manage a day full of appointments, groceries and fabric shopping. The bad news is that last night I was back to being unable to move and a full night of sleep didn’t fix it this time. That means I am sitting here typing this, basically because can’t do anything but sit right now. I am letting Miles watch TV and I am not allowing myself to run after him when he tries to bait me with mildly naughty tricks. My main concern here is how am I supposed to function for the next six weeks or so!?!?

Ok, I think it’s only fair to move onto some more positive updates. For one thing… we finally have a chiropractor picked and I am trying desperately to get an appointment early next week. This is the light at the end of my hip-screaming tunnel! Another wonderful thing this weekend brought was a new office chair!!! I have been using a flimsy folding chair for months because my previous three office chairs all became useless at the same time. I can’t believe I let it come this far, but I have been without an official office chair (using only a dining room chair or folding chair) for over a year! This seat is sooo comfortable, I think it might be my favorite place in the entire house in which to sit. Now if only I could sit in my office chair all day instead of chase a crazy 2-year old around the house.

Baby’s Size| Cantaloupe. Apparently as you get farther along in the pregnancy, there aren’t as many options for this category.

How far along | 34 weeks

Sleep | Pain. I want to cry when I have to get up or stand up to use the bathroom or turn over or even just adjust my legs a teeny tiny amount. The happy side of sleep is that I haven’t battled insomnia too much. The other night we slept 12 hours! Not sure when I ever did that before or will ever be able to do that again. I’ve had this weird thing happen twice, when I’m just about asleep I will feel really flushed and I’m extra aware of the way my weight is relaxed into the bed and my heart feels like it’s beating really fast. It’s strange, but I’ve surmised that it’s just a result of those moments when I’m extra sleepy and my body finally gets to fall asleep. I imagine it is a lot like in older cars when it’s left idling for a long time and it starts to make that loud, weird noise to cool off the engine. Yeah… I know nothing about cars. Sorry.

Clothes | I wore a maxi skirt on Sunday! It was amazing. I hadn’t worn it yet and wasn’t sure it would still fit, but it was so breezy and comfortable and I felt cuter than I have in awhile and I got to paint my toenails for the first time since the winter. It was nice.

Cravings | Let’s see… I had some BBQ Friday night that I have literally been wanting the entire pregnancy. I don’t know how I managed to get this far into the pregnancy without having indulged in BBQ once! We ate on the back deck and I sat there afterwards in a glow of contentment. I also had an incredible iced caramel brule’ latte yesterday and something inside me went “oops” because I have once again unlocked a craving that might last awhile. I do have one slightly healthy craving: raspberries! Mmmm. Also I just made myself a smoothie that has yogurt, blueberries, banana, pineapple, spinach and almond butter. That last ingredient totally makes it one of the most unique and delicious smoothies ever. *licks lips.

Food Aversions |  I will instead talk about the things that I have surprisingly not hated this pregnancy, that I usually hate (or mostly dislike): Spinach, jalapenos, mushrooms, cabbage.

Symptoms | Leg Cramps! Side Cramps! Pain in my hips. Nerve stabbings. Increased swelling. Hunger every 3 hours. Extra strong Braxton Hicks. Fatness.

Doctor’s Appointment | I had one Monday and everything looks good. I’m still measuring right on track, which always amazes me because I keep looking so big! Next appointment is in two weeks (36 weeks) and we scheduled a sonogram for that appointment, which is kind of exciting. After that I start going every week! So close to full term. That’s my next checkpoint… 37 weeks, then I can not feel guilty for wanting to go into labor already.

Movement | Very sprightly. As usual. He has got to be positioned in the strangest way, because I feel feet in the same place I could wear I feel a booty moments before. Then I’ll feel what I thought was a foot on the exact opposite side of my belly. I’m curious what the sonogram will reveal about his position.

Belly Button | Last pregnancy I said my belly button felt hard this week, but this time it’s soft and believe me… that’ even weirder. I gained so much weight with my first pregnancy, I have loose skin that never went away so there is still a patch of that on my lower belly that hasn’t been filled in yet (or hopefully ever). Sorry for that, I guess I figured I could just consider this category the “talk about anything gross happening in your body” part of the survey.

Gender | He

Best moment of the week | Getting my new office chair. All the great weather. BBQ night. My husband was extra sweet the past several days and it made for a pleasant end to the week for me.

What I am looking forward to| All the little things between now and baby. Here is a rundown: Visit my parents/family this coming weekend, Chiropractor appointment, Easter, Dr. appointment + Sonogram, New hospital tour, Steven’s 30th birthday, Due Date!

What I miss | I’ve said it before, but I just miss being able to bend down when I want, walk across the room to grab something if I want it, without considering if it’s worth it.

Mommy and Miles - 34 Weeks

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