May 3, 2013

The Blog Consolidation Project

Back and forth, I had debated whether I should keep my personal and professional blogging separate. I realized I would be most happy if everything in my life was in one place. I can’t easily separate them anyway, they are woven into each other too tightly! Photography and design, they are ME, they are simply two of the many passions I have claimed.

I’ve always had a problem with being scatterbrained. This, in some twisted way, makes me crave simplicity. In an effort to gather my interweb hoardings in one easy to find location, I am launching my own personal “Blog Consolidation Project.” I tried to think of all the blogs I’ve attempted to create since discovering the internet and realized they are as scattered over the web as my thoughts are in my brain!

Also, a huge event occurred in my life just over a year ago. My blog was hacked. My scattered brain couldn’t manage to back up my database. I lost all of it! I backed up my photos and saved a few of the Google cached pages, but that’s it. I want to hit myself every time I remember, because I now know exactly how to back it up and so easily, too! But it’s been over a year, people! It’s time for me to move past this! I will be using archiving websites to try to rebuild and re-publish as many of the posts as I can.

I will slowly be migrating all my blogs from various reaches of the web into this one, central location. Be on the looking for cheesy, immature ramblings posted when I had hardly anything better to do with my life. I might also be sharing some documents and poems written when I was much younger that never made their way public before now. I’m going to do my best to match the publish date/time and whatnot. That’s a fun word. Whatnot.

I hereby announce this project as launched!

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