April 22, 2013

Mister Miles | 7 Months


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I cant’ believe I just wrote “7 months!”

This has been a fun “big-baby” month. After a week of nightmarish teething for all involved, Miles cut his first little baby tooth! The bottom right side of his gums are now razor sharp and don’t my nipples know it! *warning: overshare. Owww! We had about a week of the happiest baby on the planet, then a few more days of fussiness as he cut his second bottom tooth. I still think he’s working on some more because he’ll get some of the signs, like stuffy and congested when he wakes from naps, sucking on his lips, off and on clamminess and warm temperatures, excessive nursing and crazy sleep patterns.

With spring finally staring to show itself, I have been able to take Miles out for walks much more frequently on the warm days. It’s good for me to get the exercise and Miles will sit contently watching the world stroll by. We’ll grab the mail and cruise around the apartment complex a couple times.

We’ve started solid food, which you’ll notice in my updates farther down this post. I’ve been attempting to make my own and with a few hiccups along the way (forgetting I was steaming fruit and ending up with 2 heavily burnt pans. Trial and error with tools for the job. Leaving various things out and letting them get spoiled, etc…). I’ve enjoyed it over all and I can’t wait to start some blends in the coming month.


Nothing new to report officially


Strength & Mobility

He’s stretching like crazy to reach the toys he wants when he’s on the floor. He kicks a lot and can pretty much move in a 360° zone around him. He can sit pretty well, but I still put the Boppy behind him when I’m not right beside him. He’s toppled a few times but he’ll either end up on his tummy and not even mind it, or he’ll be sad for a moment until I can distract him. We had to adjust the Jumperoo to the next highest setting.

Hand/Eye Coordination

He’s switching it up now and enjoys shaking things, not just trying to put them in his mouth. I’ve always known babies will reach for non-toy items but it constantly amuses me to see it. His favorite things to play with are: plastic baby hangars, rattles, Cookie Monster, any electrical cord he can get his hands on, pillows, and tags on toys and pillows. He desperately wants to play with water bottles, remote controls and my cell phone, but he gets way to frustrated trying to do whatever it is he hopes to do with them and it’s a battle to make him forget about it afterwards.


After his 6-month well-visit we began to introduce new solids. I generously received a Baby Bullet for one of my showers and was so excited to use it. Turns out the product is very poorly designed and it’s frustrating in so many ways, but that’s something for an Amazon review. I’m hoping to invest in a food processor soon instead. For the time being I’ve made it work as well as can be expected. I’m so excited to really learn all the tricks then I plan to turn myself into a baby-food chef extraordinaire! I received The Baby and Toddler Cookbook as a gift from Amazon and I love it so far and can’t wait to try the blends and older food stages as he develops.

Here are some of the foods we’ve introduced:

  • Apples – he really didn’t like them
  • Bananas – he liked the first batch I made but not after they had been in the fridge for a few hours
  • Green Beans – these were from a store-bought jar but he loved them! It was adorable
  • Pears – he really loved these
  • Sweet Potatoes – also enjoyed these
  • Avocado – he likes it ok but doesn’t love it. It’s also a little tougher to make since it oxidizes so quickly so I’ll probably make this a little less frequently.


We still haven’t enforced the crib issue. This weekend, I swear, we tried. But we hit the “6 hours awake” mark (which has only happened once before in his little lifetime) and I knew I couldn’t take any more of it. It was torture for us both. I’m going to try some night when he isn’t as fussy to start out with, and isn’t quite as over-tired. But we’re going to do this. We really are. Actually, the strangest thing has been that he’s been waking up once during the night and staying awake. He is typically happy and will go back to sleep in under an hour, but it’s odd and can be exhausting if he’s feeling talkative or kicks us the whole time lol.


Things really haven’t changed with the stranger danger. It’s been adorable to see his relationship with Steven develop, though! When Steven gets home from work at night he’ll get so excited! The very first thing Steven does every day when he gets home, is go into the bathroom to wash his hands. Now when he does that Miles starts to cry because he left him, so I’ll carry him into the bathroom behind Steven until he’s finished. Then he gets to play with daddy for awhile before dinner. He’s also talking more! After his appointment when the pediatrician said too look for more consonant sounds like ma-ma and da-da he started to make more conversational sounding noises. The whining sounds and grunting are a little less frequent (this is a great thing) and he’s been blowing bubbles and telling us stories more and that makes me happy. Then just this weekend he started making funny noises and talking out the side of his mouth. Oh man, and lately he’s been doing this thing where, when he’s really mad, he’ll scrunch his nose and start huffing. He used to do it when he was excited, now it’s any time his emotions are running crazy.


Steven and I took Miles to the park for a long picnic day and it was amazing. Other great memories: Warm spring walks. Miles’ dedication on Easter Sunday. Fun visits with grandparents and family.  Fun bath-times, cleaning up messy baby food. Lots of laughs and tickles. Lots of fun bath times and giggles. Having him sit in the front of the cart for the first time. One night he gave us the creepiest laugh. We had a really fun adventure day out with Chantel. It’s been a good month. :)

Other Photos

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