I had so much more to say back in April when I hyper-focused on this to an insane level. But now I just want to always remember that I did this. I have officially documented the effort.
Pregnancy Update // 33 Weeks
Categories My Life, Pregnancy #4, Travel, Weekly Bump DayI finally have admitted defeat. Instead of trying to catch up on my missing weeks I am jumping right back in where I’m at. Time has been speeding by so quickly that I quite literally had to check my pregnancy app just to see how many weeks along I am! So much has happened since…Continue Reading “Pregnancy Update // 33 Weeks”
Well, I’ve definitely fallen behind. While I’m mostly kept up with the written updates for each week, I haven’t kept up on photos until this week. I have a good reason! Or at least I’m going to use that as an excuse lol. First we celebrated Independence Day as a family by checking out the…Continue Reading “Pregnancy Update // 28 Weeks”
I feel so behind! Our life is consumed by all the construction projects. I certainly don’t hate it, but it scares me. Things just take time and I start to panic a bit when I realize we’ve been at it for two weeks but still have so much to do! The truth is, I love…Continue Reading “Pregnancy Update // 27 Weeks”
Everything is starting to blur together at this point. Subfloors and paint and underlayment and flooring and trim and wood slats and sawdust and just… yeah. It’s been a mix of fun and crazy. To pick up where I left off during last week’s update… After ripping out all the carpet, I took the opportunity…Continue Reading “Pregnancy Update // 26 Weeks”
This has been a monumental week for me because we finally began the process of replacing our floors!!!!!!!!! If you know me I’ve probably mentioned a time or two (or two hundred) just how badly I have been wanting to replace our old, stained carpet with LVP flooring. When we moved in over 9 years…Continue Reading “Pregnancy Update // 25 Weeks”
I’m slacking somewhat this week. I technically turn “25 weeks” today, but I’m writing about 24 and haven’t taken the photo yet, either. Oops! Last week was a full one, with many errands while the kids spent the mornings in VBS. I never did get to any remodel type work, but I did manage to…Continue Reading “Pregnancy Update // 24 Weeks”
Each time I go to write one of these I am shocked how quickly the week has gone! This past week was less epically productive, but still had it’s high points. I focused primarily on prepping a garage sale for the weekend, which we did. I’m grateful to have made a little money from it,…Continue Reading “Pregnancy Update // 23 Weeks”
Pregnancy Update // 22 Weeks
Categories My Life, Pregnancy, Pregnancy #4, Weekly Bump DayWhat a week!!! There was peak pregnancy productivity and it was lovely!!! The primary hyper-focus I started the week with a sudden urge to revamp the front of my house. It’s something I’ve considered for many years, I’ve honestly never done anything to make it my own in the 9+ years we’ve lived here. I…Continue Reading “Pregnancy Update // 22 Weeks”
This week has been a mix of moods. Monday was a bit of a recovery and catchup day. I visited Miles at school for a project he was working on and spent the rest of the day flitting around and working on various things at home. Tuesday I went in for my anatomy ultrasound. Because…Continue Reading “Pregnancy Update // 21 Weeks”