This child is growing up like a flash! In the last month or so he has expanded his vocabulary of babbling sounds, mastered walking, and explored every cabinet available to him. I don’t know if I’m just in a good mood or what, but this might just be my favorite month yet. I’m finding myself super nostalgic for the days of his infancy, simply because the child I spend my days with now is so different than the tiny bundle of a year ago. The contrast between the two is so strong these days. I absolutely love watching him learn, I can’t believe how fascinated I am by each new thing. You hear so many things about the milestones that your baby reaches in the first year that it’s easy to forget how much they learn during the year(s) following that!
We have nothing new to report since he hasn’t had a Dr. appointment and I haven’t taken the time to measure him myself.
Strength & Mobility
He’s walking! I’m going to call November 5 the first day he started walking for reals. He stood up while we were visiting Uncle Bobby and Aunt Jenna and just walked across the whole room to his daddy. There was no denying after that. He’s been up on those feet ever since. For awhile he would topple frequently but get that little booty up again and keep going at it. Simple things like that make a parent so proud.
Hand/Eye Coordination
He’s learning new tricks with his toys, like stacking those ring toys that have been around since the beginning of time. He’s really mastering the button pushing (and turning the dial that starts the dish washer. Argh!) He tries to swipe his finger on our phones, which really blows my mind since when I was a baby his age, such a thing did not exist.
I’m wondering how applicable this one is anymore. He’s being offered everything we eat at meals except the really spicy things and he’ll nibble at them, but he still doesn’t seem to eat a lot of finger foods. I wonder how normal this is? One adorable thing is that he really wants to use a fork, so I bought him his own and he manages to use the right motions, the only issue he has is gravity.
Need I hash this out again? Sigh… the little mister has been getting a gaggle of new teeth in the last few weeks and the weather has changed and blah blah blah. All just excuses, maybe? But his sleep is not good. His bedtime has shifted to the point that 10 p.m. is bedtime on a good night. The bad nights are 2:00 a.m.! I may have had a mental breakdown one night but I worked through it. We’ve made our bed, now we must lose sleep in it.
Social & Vocalization
His babbling has become even more animated, he’s getting closer and closer to words, I can just tell! He loves playing with other kids, especially older ones. Now that he’s walking he likes to chase his friend, Naysa around the house when we go over there to play. His humor is developing even more, as well and I find myself giggling often in surprise.
Why do I keep forgetting to write these down? The obvious ones would be his first steps, a weekend playing with his cousins in the country, walking in the grass and playing outside as the days grow colder.
Other Photos
Miles is without a doubt, the cutest little boy. Can’t believe he is already so big! God Bless