Mermaid Party – Remi’s 4th Birthday Celebration

I still can’t believe my baby is 4 years old!!! I think back to that first birthday, with a unicorn cake and all that rose gold. Little did I know just how much she would end up loving the color pink. She was already so adorable and full of personality! Since then she just amazes us more and more. We daily marvel at her love of adventure and how she is so adept at and interested in sports. And yet she wants to wear dresses every day and begs me to wear mascara and hairspray each morning. The other day we had to delay our trip out for errands because she was still picking out the perfect earrings off her sheet of sticker jewels.
Praise God for another year of joy with this treasure.
Mermaid party planning
For this birthday, I focused my creative energy on the cake, some sugar cookies, and a balloon arch. Remi had been requesting a mermaid cake for many months. Once I resigned myself to decorating with magenta, I found myself eager to embrace all the colorful, mermaid things.
While I might pour much of my own energy into cakes and cookies, for the kiddos the best part is streamers and balloons. A bouquet of balloons and crepe streamers were all we needed to excite them. Add cousins, colorful decor, and copious amounts of sugar and you have all the ingredients you need for the perfect mermaid party. It was a birthday for the books.
No party is complete without a mermaid birthday cake with alllll the sprinkles
Rainbow watercolor painted sugar cookies (with a mermaid theme, of course)
I have painted sugar cookies a few times over the last number of years. Until now, decorating cookies with royal icing was something I was only able to convince myself to do once a year. But this opportunity sounded too fun to pass up. I found some inspiration on Pinterest, ordered some cookie cutters to add to my collection and had so much fun with it!