April 30, 2014

Confessions of: A First-Time Home Owner

Categories My Life

Confessions of a Red Bull Addict

That’s right. It’s confessions, home owner edition.

  • A week before the move, I drank my first Red Bull in 2 1/2 years. Then the second… and the third. Today as I sit and type this I am drinking my ninth. Oops.
  • I’m scared to hook up our Wii Fit and weigh myself. After several weeks of “work, Wendy’s, work, pizza, collapse, wake up, work, Wendy’s, work, etc…” I am sure to have put on a few.
  • RIGHT before we moved, Windows crashed on my work computer. I have endured many close calls where Windows is able to self-recover. Not this time, unfortunately. I am, however, blessed with a dad who is a computer genius, so he took my tower home for a couple weeks and worked what magic he could. I’m relieved to say I have not lost any serious data, no current client work or photos were lost. I did, however, lose everything that was on my C drive. I can’t even remember what was on there, but it was predominately personal stuff and some older sessions that have been delivered to clients. I also lost all software installations that were added in the last 3 years. That leaves me online with Adobe at the moment, resolving some things. I’m sad to have lost data. The worst is knowing that over 200 GBs are gone and I don’t even know what they are!!! I imagine myself searching desperately for some hugely necessary file in the future and always wondering “what if that was on my C drive?” I’m trying to stay positive, so here are the positives: My client files are alive and well, Adobe has been helpful in saving my activations, I have learned (another) valuable lesson in backing up (and in learning to control my hoarding tendencies), My computer is fresh and new feeling (seems to fit well with my life now that we’re in a new home). Ok. This was a long and nerdy one, on to the next.
  • I keep second guessing everything about my interior design, my color and layout choices. I feel this overwhelming pressure to make every room in our house absolutely Pinterest perfect. I have decided to invest in some woodworking tools because I have so many pieces of furniture I want to build now. I’m having trouble feeling settled and I’m terrified that this feeling of incompleteness will never go away. I’ve heard home owners say that’s what it’s like. Always something new to buy, fix or do. I suppose it’s a work in progress, really. Plus, we don’t really have the funds to pour into all my artistic visions for our new abode. I’m trying to take small, manageable bites out of the project list. For now these amazing things will have to live inside my head.
  • Finally, I have to say, I LOVE this house more and more each day I wake up in it. Each room we finally get unpacked and every box we’re able to break down and put in the garage makes it feel more like home. We’re hoping to have a housewarming BBQ type event eventually. Stay tuned. :)

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