Baby Bump Day | 27 Weeks

This is my last week in the second trimester!!! I’m not sure I should be happy or sad about this. I’m going to go with happy because it means the time is counting down to the day this second little boy will enter the world! My body is counting down, too. This week I feel like some of the latter pregnancy symptoms I’ve been avoiding thus far have slammed into me. My face is noticeably chubbier, my walking is at least 50% waddle, swelling began to creep back into the picture around the middle of the week and I’m starving… constantly!!! Considering how annoying that lists sounds there are other great feelings creeping back into my mind. I’m day dreaming of giving my new little boy a bath, of smelling his little infant head, of knowing again what it feels like to lift up his tiny weight into my arms when it’s time to nurse. We had a gorgeous, spring-like day of perfection last week. It registered at 73 degrees and I spent a couple hours sitting on the back porch listening to the birds and imagining what the “real” spring will bring with it. I imagined all the trees covered in pretty blossoms when we welcome a new life into the world. Ahhh I can barely stand to think of it right now!
Another amazing thing was revealed this week. My very best friend of many years (somewhere around 16, what!?!) is also expecting her second baby!!! YAY!!! One of the very best experiences of my life was when we shared our first pregnancies together in 2012 and it is just as amazing this time around! She is due with her little nugget in September 19, actually, which was the exact due date I had with Miles. Isn’t that crazy?! I adore this crazy, wonderful blessing-filled life. I can barely contain it! Here is the adorable series of smiles she shared with the world this week. Isn’t her little girl, Natalia the prettiest you’ve ever seen?! I’m beyond impressed that Lizzy managed to get her 2 year old to behave so sweetly for these. I’m lucky to get eye contact from my toddler haha.
So yeah, I think you get the point that this week was a good one. It wrapped up with a lazy Superbowl Sunday at home with Steven and Miles. We pigged out on things I shouldn’t be eating but still manage to cram into my face every day. We went outside together and built a snowman and I marveled at the way snow thrills the child within me. Oh, and I totally meant the child in my soul, not in my uterus.
Baby’s Size| I tried to find a food that wasn’t the same as last pregnancy’s comparison (cauliflower). Apparently my choices are rutabaga and small pot roast (!?)
How far along | 27 weeks
Sleep | Lots of vivid, obscure dreams. I find that when I wake up to shift in bed my stiffness is relieved when I lay on my back for a moment (which I know you’re not even supposed to do) Unfortunately I often fall back to sleep before I remember to switch back to my side. It freaks me out. That was random, please forgive me. I’ve had allergies this week. I suppose it could be a mild cold, I’m not sure, but it feels like allergies. My nose has been itchy and runny and my throat a little itchy, too. So my nights have been relatively restful, with frequent pee/shift/nose-blow breaks and weird dreams.
Clothes | This really isn’t expect to change until I am once again a size 5 (hahahahha)
Cravings | Ravenous. Apparently I’m right on track with my previous pregnancy, see here. My mom and I talk about this crazy hunger monster that takes over when we’re pregnant and one thing she has always said and of which I am vividly reminded, is how when you’re pregnant, food tastes just as amazing as you hope/expect it to. It’s like I can taste every single drop of yum in everything I consume. I feel like someone has tapped me on the head with a magic wand and now I can finally taste the secrets that live in food. Like, did you know that peanut butter contains the essence of every wonderful thing that has ever happened to every peanut that has ever existed since the beginning of man kind? Basically it feels something like that. God help me if you hand me an ice cream bar or chocolate brownie.
Food Aversions | I find I am highly offended by an empty plate.
Symptoms | I once predicted that the misery of my previous pregnancy was a mechanism my body was using to get all the crappy symptoms out of the way so all my future pregnancies could be “breezy and wonderful.” I’m not sure I’d go that far, but I feel like a bit of a pregnancy veteran (I know that’s not really true. That status belongs to people like my mom who have 7 children, lol) or more like a rock star. The other day I just stood up with this determination, a command to myself ringing in my consciousness “Come on now, just stand up and walk like it ain’t no thing. This big round belly isn’t going to stop you!” I’m going to force these thoughts as long as I can. Meaning as long as I can be in denial, basically haha. But for real… I’ve had more swelling this week as well as some heartburn, which I never had with my first pregnancy. I’ve had more cramping ligaments and just plain achy everywhere. Meh.
Doctor’s Appointment | I have my 28 week appointment on Monday, Feb. 9! Then I start going every 2 weeks and that is insane to me!
Movement | He moves so much! I think I keep saying this, but it’s true. I’m pretty sure I can tell where his head is and which little jabs are his feet. They all excite me though and I think he seems more active when Miles is playing near me and we’re being goofy together. I think he wants to be part of the action. It’s adorable!
Belly Button | It’s a weird crooked, bumpy thing. I’m going to call it an outie.
Gender | Boy oh boy
Best moment of the week | Playing outside in the “spring” weather during the week, then building a snowman with Steven and Miles on Sunday, haha!
What I’m looking forward to | being 3rd trimester official!
What I miss | Shaving my legs with ease.
Love you best friend!!! So excited to share at least 20 weeks of pregnancy together haha!!
Reading this reminds me just how much I hated shaving legs/painting toes with both pregnancies. Funny that it was only 5 months ago and I had already seemingly forgotten. Remind me again next time you hear me making noises about having #3!