July 25, 2012

Baby Bump | 31 Weeks

Categories Weekly Bump Day

This week = crunch time. I’m feeling the pressure. Pressure in my bladder, on my cervix, on my ankles, but yes… primarily I feel the pressure of time passing very quickly. I still have so very much to do before baby gets here! However, I am pleased to see little things coming together one by one. We now officially have the crib and it is assembled and in place. The changing table/dresser is now in its place and filled with adorable onesies and sleepers, now stuffed to a greater level of fullness after the completion of my second baby shower.

The shower was incredible!!! I loved it so much. There were the most amazing yellow and grey details everywhere and a beautiful brightness to the whole room and the people there. Beth, my talented party-planner of a friend, outdid herself, with the help of Chantel and the new granny-to-be, Mrs. T. Please go check out the blog post Beth shared of the event.  I really enjoyed myself and felt surrounded by the love of friends and family.

Now that I have had my showers, I am frantically assembling a list of all the baby things we still need. At times it is fun, but feeling the crunch of time and money makes it a stressful business, as well. I had not thought to take into account the potential for back-orders and the shipping time required for large items. For this purpose I am hoping baby does not make an early appearance. (Don’t let my aching body know I said that.)

Baby is moving around a bunch these days and he seems to be sitting very low. I tried to look up the different positions for babies in the womb to get an idea of exactly how he’s laying in there but I’m still not entirely certain. I’m pretty sure he is oblique (see me using fancy words) maybe, but I can’t seem to find a picture online that shows exactly the position I think he is in based on what I feel. According to spinning babies I think the closest thing might be: Right Occiput Transverse? Really I have no clue. Lol. I’ll leave you with that.

The Bump

Baby’s Size| Direct quote from babycenter: Try carrying four navel oranges (I can tell you, I feel like I am carrying FAR more than 4 little oranges)

How far along | 31 weeks

Sleep | It wasn’t so bad until the last three nights. I don’t know what it is, but neither Steven nor myself have been able to sleep very well. I’m not sure if I’m waking him up with my fitful sleeping or if it’s something else but I don’t like it. I’ve had more aches and pains in my back and joints and lady regions, so that could be a contributing factor. It is not fun to wake up several times a night with a sweaty neck, have to pull myself from the bed to pee and have to come back and arrange my body comfortably again only to do this once more an hour or two later.

Clothes | I had a dream the other night that I pulled on my True Religion jeans I bought right before I got pregnant and they fit me perfectly. I miss that great feeling you get when you pull on a perfectly fitting pair of jeans and you feel ready to sprint and take on the world. I can not sprint at all these days. I’m perfectly happy to lounge in my breezy black pants for the next 9 weeks +, but I have been reminded of the joys of normal clothes. It has really only been a few months since I’ve had to wear maternity clothes, but it feels like it has been ages. I was so excited to wear my first maternity clothes. Now I crave jeans??? I don’t really get it. Speaking of cravings…

Cravings | Peaches and melons, yum. Scones and muffins (but I have not really indulged that much). Thick, juicy steaks. Soda.

Food Aversions |  I’ve been forcing myself to eat more eggs lately and they aren’t too bad, as long as they are in a breakfast burrito or something. I’ve also been forced (by my husband’s predictable taste) to eat pizza several times in the past week. I could happily pass up pizza for awhile.

Symptoms | I feel like I’ve moved onto birth-related pains or something. I get little cervix pinches now and then and today I think I had my first noticeable braxton hicks contraction. (I probably had them before, but wasn’t sure what I was supposed to be feeling). The muscles and tendons in my pelvic region are tender and sore. I think part of this is because he is sitting so low. I’ve been feeling less motivated and more foggy in the brain again. I think it’s just a shifting of hormones, really. I’ve also been napping more lately, whether because I haven’t been sleeping well or because of more body transitioning, I’m not sure.

Doctor’s Appointment | I have my usual appointment today with my actual Doctor and then tomorrow I have to go in and take the 3-hour glucose test because my results from my first one were a little high. :( I am NOT looking forward to this. I felt really awful at first when I found out but I’ve been reassured and I’m just going to suck it up and do what I have to do. I’ve been watching my sugar consumption all week and I’m hoping everything is good. I’m also a little anemic, which comes as no surprise to me since I thought I was to begin with, haha.

Movement | It is still one of my most favorite things in the world. I am reminded many times over how real he is and how individual he is. It’s crazy to have another individual existing within your body. I’ve felt his head move a lot lately and I’m still getting butt hiccups. It’s hard to sit sometimes because I feel like he’s squished. I slump because I have terrible posture, so his living quarters might sometimes be more confined.

Belly Button | It doesn’t visually pop out when you look directly at it, but as I’m walking around doing my thing I’ll rub my belly and feel it poking out, or I’ll glance sideways and see the little bump of my belly button in my reflection.

Gender | Turkey

Best moment of the week | My shower was amazing!!! This, combined with assembling the crib, make the highlights.

What I miss | My jeans. Lol. I’ve also been really nostalgic for last August when Steven and I went to CO with my parents and Bobby and Jenna and Lee. It was so fun and I miss wearing hooodies in August and riding the ATV’s through the mountains, breathing the cool, crisp air.

1 thought on “Baby Bump | 31 Weeks

  1. 4 navel oranges doesn’t seem like that much…that’s weird! It seems like the comparison should be something else haha. That is funny about your jeans. My favorite pair of jeans have been out of commission for me for about a month now. They just don’t feel good anymore! But I hope they fit nicely again after the baby.

    I am so excited it’s getting closer and closer to meeting your Turkey baby hahaha!


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