June 27, 2012

Baby Bump | 27 Weeks

Categories Weekly Bump Day

The baby room is painted!!! I am so excited about this! The grandmas’ collaboration last Thursday finally brought to reality all my visions of pretty grey walls and empty floors. I debated the exact shade of grey for so long and spent money I shouldn’t have on samples to find just what I was looking for. It turned out so great and I can’t wait to show everyone! I’ve taken a few pictures but without any furniture in the room there isn’t too much to look at. I think I’m going to use video to show the room’s progress. I’ll take one now that it’s empty and ready to be filled and one after I have filled it with all manner of wonderful baby things. I just love the way the light from the big window in the room reflects of the walls to create a soft, cool glow.

So many exciting things are happening this week! Today my BFF finds out if she is having a little baby girl or a little baby boy! I’m so excited to hear what it is and to jump up and down in excitement and talk all about it. I’m also excited to buy adorable baby things for either gender! Then, coming up this weekend, I will be picking up Lizzy from the airport on Friday and having my first baby shower that night. The following evening Lizzy will have her shower and the whole weekend will be spectacular! I cannot contain my excitement.

Speaking of Lizzy and her baby shower. I am making her shower gift this week. I found all the perfect materials last week and I’ll be hard at work during the next few days, making something for little baby Docea. Once it is finished and presented I will post photos on this blog. I’m really excited to work on it!

Over the weekend Steven and I visited my parents in the country and spent time with the whole family. It was much needed and I was able to take my fill of summer fun — country style. We walked the garden, went swimming, picked blackberries and ate lots of yummy food, including my mom’s incredibly delicious peach cobbler. Seriously. It was SO good.

I guess that is a decent amount of updating, now I am off to stare at the awesome baby room in the making and find something tasty to eat.

The Bump

Baby’s SizeA head of cauliflower (in weight, I believe)

How far along | 27 weeks

Sleep | I’ve had some great baby dreams, ranging from new little baby to toddler Tarchala. He is already driving me crazy with protective worry from my dreams alone.

Clothes | I am loving my comfy pants and new, long dresses of the softest material. My shoes have been annoying lately. I only have one pair of flip-flops that fit my feet these days and they smell AWFUL. I have tried baking soda, Febreeze and a couple other methods to deodorize them but without success. I think my hubby might be taking me to buy a new pair sometime soon. *Hoping.

Cravings | I have been ravenous lately and it sucks because the NP warned me (finally haha) to watch my diet a bit more. I’ve been craving everything from donuts to peaches. Yesterday I downed three peaches my parents had temptingly placed in a bowl on their counter. I didn’t know where peach juice ended and drool began.

Food Aversions |  My only aversion is NOT eating.

Symptoms | It goes without saying really, but I feel soooooo pregnant. I am doing my best to accept my fate. I am destined to experience every possible pregnancy symptom at least once and be fully immersed in these 3rd trimester symptoms. I’m tender in my lower belly as it continues to stretch and grow and hold the weight of my big boy in there. Stretch marks increase daily along with the puffiness of my feet, knees and hands. I’m wheezing like my lungs are giving out on me, just from bending down. I’m sweating gallons, hobbling along, desperate for a comfortable seat everywhere I go. That’s enough for now. I’m really hoping that this pregnancy is just my body’s chance to get these things out of the way, in terms of life experiences. That way my future pregnancies can be breezy and glowing and wonderful.

Doctor’s Appointment | I met with a NP last week and got all caught up on things. Everything is looking great, except for my weight gain. :P Lovely. But I’ll take it over other things, I suppose. We scheduled all the remaining appointments for the rest of my pregnancy and it really hit home how fast everything is going! One more week with a NP on July 13 then I’ll start seeing my Dr. every 2 weeks.

Movement | Movement milestone: Visible movement has been achieved! Not sure just how this baby is situated in there because I swear I feel him kicking on my left side then minutes later, kicking on my right side. I keep trying to see if one is stronger than the other so I can distinguish kicks from punches but they are both too strong to tell. Steven and I agree it must be because he is a ninja. I like that these movements are exactly on the side of my belly, though, because it means I can lay on my side and watch the little thumps and jabs from the outside now. I think maybe the next goal for me to look forward to is seeing the actual shapes, like a little foot shape on my belly.

Belly Button | This is one stubborn belly button. I am still an innie and continually flirting with outie.

Gender | Ninja

Best moment of the week | There were a few highlights, starting with getting the baby room painted and looking pretty. I also had some great moments with my family over the weekend and took senior photos of an incredibly awesome senior.

What I miss | Breathing normally.

2 thoughts on “Baby Bump | 27 Weeks

  1. I know I’ve told you a hundred times but I LOVE the color your painted your walls. I can’t wait to see the furniture in it!
    I lol’d at the peach and the drool hahaha. I have been wanting mom’s canned peaches too. I told her that when I go there this weekend, I will be stealing a jar ;)

    I really hope that your other pregnancies are breezy and awesome too because things like a sore belly and awful hip pain just sounds so…painful! It makes me scared for my future pregnancies because this one has been really great so far lol….ahhhh!

    Haha I love your little gender: ninja! So cute. I can’t wait to see you and hopefully some movements!! <3

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