Re-posted from Deviant Art as part of my Blog Consolidation Project
- Mood:
- Listening to: Wade In The Water – Eva Cassidy
- Reading: A Lady in High Regard
- Watching: LOST
- Playing: Work… no play. lol
- Eating: Chocolate Muffin
- Drinking: Vanilla Chai Tea
So my Spiritual life has been growing ever steadily and that really is the most important thing. Steven is a Middle School youth pastor at a church in Overland Park ( and he is So busy all the time, but we’re doing well. I drive up to see him whenever I get the chance. I graduated from college in May and after much deliberation I decided I would return in the fall for my Masters degree. I’ll likely have a GA position so they will pay for my education. I’ll just be really busy, which is also okay.
I’ve been taking some fun pictures lately, I just haven’t posted anything. I really want to clean up my gallery. I don’t know what it is, I just don’t like how it all looks when I look at my gallery. It just looks messy and distracting. I’m not sure if it’s because I post so many different things on here or if it’s because I sometimes add a border and sometimes not, and the times I do they aren’t always the same type or width and it look tacky? Do you think? I’m willing to take suggestions here.
I’m guessing you’ve all seen my lightning pics. If not they’re probably over there
If they aren’t over there then it’s probably been awhile since I wrote this journal or I never did add pictures like I promised I would. lol.
I’ve been inspired lately, but it’s mostly for things that I don’t have the time to work on because I’m at work most of the time (working full time again at the studio) and because my computer is a piece of crap. I’m getting a new one though. My dad is helpihg me build one. I think he said he would order the componenets yesterday, but I haven’t talked to him about it, yet. I’m super psyched about it. It’s going to kick BUTT.
So I really should be working. I’ll post some of my newest stuff later. . .