January 20, 2012

New Beginnings

Categories My Life, Updates

Yes, world. This means my old blog is a distant memory. One I am trying to let go, but I’m grieving hard. Because my web-server was hacked and I am a failure for not backing up my database, I have lost all my previous posts. I have saved as many pages as I could find though Google’s cache, but even if I find the time to completely re-create them I will be missing several pages and posts. It’s a sad thing, but I want to try to focus on a new start, fresh posts. Not to mention, I have learned another valuable lesson about backing up. :P I have had to “learn” that lesson many times. It’s a sore point for me.

I apologize to all my previous visitors for the very long wait before my blog could be re-launched. I’m trying to view this in a positive light. Starting from scratch. New year, new posts and new joys.

Speaking of new joys, I think this might be an appropriate time to make my newest life-change “blog official!” I’m going to have a baby! :) This is very exciting for Steven and I and I plan to rise out of the first trimester season of morning-sickness muck and document as much as I can during this time. I went back and forth about whether I wanted to use this blog for that purpose, along with all the other things I blog about, but have decided that not everyone wants to come to my blog and be overwhelmed with baby-related things. So I plan to be documenting the more family and baby-related things on my blog “Dirt N’ Diamonds.” This used to be my wedding blog but it was also wiped after the hack and has been re-purposed. Some of the bigger milestones I intend to double-post, but if you want to be caught in the title-wave of my baby-related self indulgence, please feel free to follow my more personal blog, as well.

Here is the photo we used to announce our pregnancy on Facebook, followed by the 2nd option I designed, but didn’t use. 

And now, back to business for a moment. I have been pretty sick the last few months and it has been slow. I planned to use my down-time over the winter months to re-vamp my website and work on the pricing and such for silverdoves PHOTOGRAPHY & DESIGN. This has been delayed, but it is one of the things I hope to be accomplishing in the coming months. I might also catch up on some back-posting from sessions and personal projects that were over-looked during my blog’s downtime. If you are searching for pricing information or anything else you might have come to my blog or website to find, please send me an email at photo@silverdoves.com and let me know what you need.

Thank you all for your patience and understanding. Now here’s to all the exciting things this season will bring!

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