We are officially walking!!!!! Well I have been walking for something like 30 years, but Finn has been a walker for two whole weeks or there about. He is also flashing around 6 teeth, most of which are coming in from the top. He loves to very deliberately isolate his index finger (or occasionally his middle finger) and use it to poke everything around him. Poke his toys, poke food, poke brother, poke light sockets, poke my face, poke my phone screen, swipe my phone screen. Yeah, he’s mechanically minded, this one! And so very determined. Do not envy the person who has to tell him he may not poke something. Fury. Pure fury. He is very opposed to the word “no” or having anything taken from his hands or removed from sight if he is examining it. I thought Miles was determined, but no. Not like this. If you see me in public and witness me take a dangerous item from his hands and swiftly offer it back to him begging him to take it again and stop screaming please do not judge. I can see how we might end up with a very spoiled child on our hands. I’m simply too much of a wimp to see him erupt over a battle for my phone, my spoon, my hair, etc… So if it won’t injure him or cost a fortune to repair, he gets it. I’m such a pushover.
Finn’s inner strength is also made evident when he tries to grab you. He has an intense grip! There have been times that I (and Steven) have yelped loudly when Finn grabs the back of our arms when we’re holding him, or if he claws at your legs when he wants you to pick him up. It’s terrifying.
I’m making it sound like life with Finn is a horror movie, but it really isn’t. The majority of the time Finn is a precious, smiling, squealing, waddling bundle of sweetness. When he stares into my eyes he has such life and intensity in his gaze! He will grab bears and pillows and hug them sweetly. When he is tired or wakes up from a nap he will crawl over to me and lay his head in my lap or on my belly and snuggle for a moment. I am absolutely in love with my intense ten-month old baby boy. Who is just a tad less baby each day. It’s bittersweet and beautiful.