Don’t wake me
How do you do it?
Make me feel so beautiful
So lonely
Will you meet me?
And hold the universe with me? Inside
Don’t wake me
How do you do it?
Make me feel like I’m so beautiful
Hold me along with the universe
Heaven with You
Okay. I am officially off the weirdness scale. My mood is exceptional. I am happy, my typing is top notch. I’m listening to some of my favorite songs. Sometimes that just what you need to do, you know? Just turn on your favorites and smile while you remember the memories that swim to the top of your consciousness. Not that they are even memories you had, but memories you wish you had. Somtimes it just makes you remember the dreams you had, and make you wonder why you ever let them get away from you, why you ever let them fade like they did.
I don’t think dreams ever die. They sometimes pale in importance, their rank in reality sinks and others take its place, ones that are more reachable, Sometimes your dreams change. One dream can change complete from what it originally was, but in the end, it’s still a dream and someday you realize it has been acheived. But those dreams that are so far out there you may never actually expect them to come true, but you hope someday they will?… Those are the dreams that are the sweetest to remember.
You know what I love? That in some way the best songs make me think of God. Even the ones that aren’t intentionally written to or about him, the happy ones remind me of His goodness. The sad ones remind me how it got better or how it will get better someday.
You know that seems to be the theme of this blog.
But someday in a good way. Because you might feel like it’s the end of all your dreams, or the end of happiness, but the truth is… Someday you’ll be sitting there thinking “Is this day the answer to all my dreams, the fulfillment of all joy and happiness?”
The whole essence of “someday” is hope. Hoping when we’re in our darkest hour, that someday it’s morning, and you wake up lazily and know that you can sleep in until you just can’t wait to feel your feet on the floor, and just the idea of breakfast is exciting. You may not even eat anything, you might just imagine what it’s like to smell coffee and toasted yummies, but it’s still a beautiful thought. You’ll sit in a chair with nothing to do and remember all the people that love you, but mostly you’ll remember all the people that you dearly love. How much you want to give to them, how much you want to share all this incredible joy with them.
Because you know what it’s like to not know if the sun is ever going to come up again, if this is the last night you’ll ever want to see and thinking it will never end. And you just want to be that little thing that makes them want to wait and see if things will be better tomorrow. And you’re so happy you want to cry for all the people that can’t see how beautiful life is the way you do in that exact moment.
You think of the One who gave you this joy and you feel like you’re going to burst with it. But you can still sit there for countless hours, absorbing the goodness of Him. You wonder if this is what it feels like when you’re about to see Heaven. You want to laugh because it’s so wonderful, you want to weep because so many people are scared, because so many people are so sad.
If you’ve ever gone to bed wondering if you’ll wake up, not sure if you ever want to but still hoping. Still hoping for someday.
Plan on sleeping in. Plan on waking up beside Someone who loves you. Someone who held you when you fell asleep with tears in your heart, Someone who will gently wake you and, with a still, small voice, remind you of the goodness in this world, of the beauty of giving or yourself. Remind you of sunshine, of love, of His love and sacrifice for you.
I pray that you know that feeling and if you feel like you’ve lost your dreams, I pray that you know you He is there with you and the sun WILL shine in your face and warm your soul.
– Brittany
PS – the song I’m listening to is one of my favorites and definitely deserves a listen, if you get the chance.
Here are some awesome pics. Try not to get too sleepy. :)