June 6, 2012

Baby Bump | 24 Weeks

Categories Weekly Bump Day

I have been slacking so badly on my updates. As you know I was a week late posting my 23 week update (even though I told my blog to make it look like I posted it on time. I’m clever like that :D).

In baby news, I have hit nesting mode in a crazy way. My parents made plans to pick up some furniture out of the guest room (soon to be designated baby room) on Tuesday. For some reason, late last week, I decided to pull everything out of my “craft closet.” I’m mad at myself for not taking a before picture of that closet, because it was stacked about four feet high with bags, boxes and piles, from wall to wall (not counting the three shelves that were also stacked high with boxes and papers). I spent all day Friday as well as Monday of this week, organizing as much as I could. There were boxes that had not been opened since our wedding day. Some hadn’t been sorted since sometime amidst my college career!!! By the end of the day on Monday I literally would not stand on my own legs, due to the intense pain in my hips. I had to hold onto all surrounding furniture for support just to make a trip from the sofa to the bathroom (which happened way too frequently for my comfort.) I feel really dumb for pushing myself that hard and I regretted it. But now I’m happy to have made such a huge dent.

I am certain of one thing. I have the hoarding gene. From somewhere in my DNA it is determined to emerge and ruin my life. While piling and sorting the vast amount of “useful” things in my craft closet I discovered I had duplicates of several things. Something like this: 15 tape dispensers, 4 pairs of scissors, 6 sewing tape measures, 4 glue guns of various sizes and colors, and 5 boxes of the same sized envelopes. That really is just scratching the surface.

I am afraid it will take a little more than a couple days of hard work to completely organize this hoard, but I intend to take full advantage of my nesting urge. The bed is now gone from the baby room and after another move of some remaining furniture and boxes it will be ready for painting day with the grandmas!

In other fun things, over the weekend, Steven and I spent Saturday morning searching garage sales for awesome deals. I came away from the day with: two full 3-piece sets of name brand baby clothes, an adorable stuffed elephant, another cassette tape box (to be used for organizing my fabric scraps), 3 cans of brand new grey paint, a full length mirror, four large and stylish frames, a new piece of luggage, about 10 pieces of maternity clothes, and a couple little odds and ends. It was too fun and I am becoming addicted. This does not look promising for any attempt to dissuade my hoarding tendencies.

The Bump:

Baby’s Size| An Ear of Corn

How far along | 24 weeks

Sleep | I’ve started taking my prenatal earlier in the day, just in case that is making it harder to sleep. My hips are hurting so badly and when I wake up for my potty breaks in the middle of the night, my hands and feet are so sore from being swollen, I ache everywhere.

Clothes | I have been alternating between my 4 tank tops from Gap and that’s about it for tops. I have the occasional “look cute” tops, but I have not felt cute. So mostly it’s tank tops and loose pants or shorts.

Cravings | I’m not sure if I’ve had many strong cravings. I’ve been intensely hungry so much lately. I have had Subway several times in the last week or more. It fills me up and I feel at least 1/2 way healthy. Also on my reoccurring menu of Brittany foods is salad and chicken salad sandwiches.

Food Aversions |  Still haven’t wanted pasta or mac and cheese. Poor Steven.

Symptoms | Sciatica is the devil. I bawled my eyes out in pain Monday night. I have been using Lidoderm patches but I only have a limited amount so I’m trying to avoid using them unless absolutely necessary since I expect it will only get worse. I want to scream with frustration because I read that I should be walking daily but anytime I’m active the pain is so much more severe. I try to avoid standing in one place too long or sitting too long or walking too long. The best position is my sleep position, on my left side surrounded by pillows and one between my knees.

Doctor’s Appointment | I think I have another one in 2 weeks or so. I should check on that. Haha.

Movement | I love when my baby boy moves! I read up on how to distinguish hiccups from the kicks and jabs and wriggles and I think I can recognize them now! It’s too adorable. I love when I haven’t felt movement in an hour or so and then he just starts moving like crazy for awhile. It’s reassuring and fun, like we’re having a play time.

Belly Button | I will admit, I have always thought this was the lamest question on here. I mean it’s a yes or no answer and it only changes once, right? But in reality it really is an experience to watch my belly button slowly disappear. And I keep questioning myself. I’ll think “does it really look like it’s sticking out more?” and then I’ll study it for a good, long while and conclude that it is, indeed, poking more. The inside of my belly button is still mostly inwards, but the top edge of it is poking out now. How’s that for a detailed answer?

Gender | BABY BOY!

Best moment of the week | Either garage sale hunting with my husband or Monday night when Steven announced that he was ordering Chinese for dinner. It made my day after all that hard work and exhaustion.

What I miss | Almost everything. I hate my acne. I’ve never had acne in my life till now. I hate that I can barely make a fist with my hands because of the swelling. I hate the pain in my feet and the red ditches under my bra and the way I waddle. Lol. I am well aware of the glorious miracle that this is indicative of and I’m so very grateful and excited and agree it is all worth it. But that doesn’t mean I do not literally fantasize about the day when I am my own again.

3 thoughts on “Baby Bump | 24 Weeks

  1. Week 24 is so exciting!! It’s also my lucky number so it’s a favorite hehe. Are you behind one more though because I think you’re 11 weeks ahead of me and I’m 14 weeks today…anyways, I love all the movement and changes that are going on but I will admit, I’m not excited for the pains that come along with it. I wonder if the pain varies from person to person. The hip pain you described makes me want to cry for you! I didn’t realize you found so many more awesome things at the garage sale! That’s so cool. I want to go to garage sales too but I never think to do that when I see one. By the way, an ear of corn is so long! I love my little nephew :D <3

    1. I love it!!! NEPHEW! AWWW! I’m hoping to take some pis of my garage sale finds eventually and maybe I’ll link to them haha.

      Also, I post the update at the end of the week. So tomorrow is my “flip” day and I will officially be 25 weeks :)

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