Baby Bump Day | 28 Weeks

I am now 3rd Trimester OFFICIAL! In celebration I went to the doctor this morning. It was just your routine prenatal visit but it always makes it seem so official and exciting. Especially when your tag-along two year old behaves moderately well. Today’s appointment was pretty basic, baby’s heartbeat was 160, everything seems to be going well and I was gifted some relief to find out my official weight so far.
That was my segue. I have been meaning to talk about weight a little bit for the last several weeks and keep forgetting. I have the usual body issues I think a lot of women have and that deep, dark history is a novel for another time, but I don’t remember saying much about my weight during my blog posts covering my first pregnancy. Now I wish I had, because I can’t remember just when I gained what and that sort of thing. This much I know about my previous pregnancy: I was 150 lbs at my first appointment with Miles (8 weeks) and by the end of my pregnancy I had gained 62 lbs for a total of 212 lbs.! Yikes. Between pregnancies: during the 2 years following Miles’ birth I slowly lost almost 50 lbs of that weight, but I stubbornly clung to some of the chub. Also during that time our scale broke and I never bothered to buy a new one. I don’t even know what my weight was most of the time. That brings us to the current pregnancy: I was happy to notice that I weighed 163 at my first appointment this time (14 weeks), since that was my lowest weight since my first pregnancy. Of course I have not wanted to gain as much as I did the first time so I freaked a bit when, at 20 weeks, I had jumped to 173! Ahhh! Then at 24 weeks I about had a heart attack because the scale said 187!!!!! I was wearing some very heavy Uggs and carrying a small, coin-filled purse and a light jacket. Surely they must have weighed about 10 lbs, right?! That’s what I kept telling myself every time I’d start to panic about that number. This is why the last 4 weeks I have been terrified to see the scale at today’s appointment and I felt an extra dose of guilt for every bite of ice cream I let myself consume and I input my meals into My Fitness Pal just to keep myself a bit more accountable. Anyway… that brings us to TODAY! That exclamation point means it was good news! Today I weighed in at 189 and I am satisfied with that. It means I’ve gained just about 2 lbs a week this trimester, which is the most I would be okay gaining without feeling like a big, face-stuffing hog.
I know it must be pretty tedious to hear me go on and on in such boring detail about my weight, so thanks for indulging me.
This week I’ve been obsessing about getting all of Miles’ clothes out of storage and going through them and organizing them in a way that will be more accessible when this new baby needs those clothes. I haven’t actually done much to make any of that organizing a reality, though because we need to buy a dresser first and make more room in the closet for another wardrobe. I swear… I am such a hoarder!!! I have a clothes problem and it leaks into my kid(s)’ closets!!! I’m trying to force myself to minimize but it’s such a challenge.
In toddler news this week, Miles has achieved his “doorknob opening” skill. Yay. (<— no exclamation point there). I am now determined to find some door knob safety covers but I’ve heard terrible things about all the ones I can find on Amazon or Walmart. I’m just about desperate enough to try them anyway, but I think I’m secretly clinging to the possibility that I can find ones like my parents had when I was little. They were clear and basic and I thought they worked pretty well as a kid. I’m probably going to have to break down and spend money on the lame ones… I should just accept it.
Wow I’ve gabbed on for a bit, haven’t I?
Baby’s Size| kabocha squash
How far along | 28 weeks
Sleep | I have reached a point where I need to have a pillow in between my legs and I sleep a bit more on my side these days and less on my tummy-ish. I am almost getting annoyed over how many insane dreams I have each night, ALL night! Last night I dreamed of a baby bird with a broken leg that I had to fix, a mini chihuahua that was as small as a mouse and in my 3rd dream of the night I ordered a huge waffle cone with mint chocolate chip ice cream at DQ and requested that they dip it in hard chocolate stuff (I’m going to assume you know what that means). They completely jacked up my order in my dream and I woke up craving it so badly. I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it all day. I don’t even remember my 4th dream, I must have just given up by then.
Clothes | I wore My new sweater dress thing over the weekend and it was nice to feel like I tried to look cute! Many of my “comfy” pants are starting to feel tight on the waistband and that makes me sad. :( I only have one pair of maternity jeans so I’m just doing what I can to make it work.
Cravings | Can we once again mention ICE CREAM!? Specifically the ice cream cone of my dreams?!
Food Aversions | This week during my previous pregnancy it was hamburgers… Ummm I just downed a patty of perfection, smothered in goodness yesterday from Five Guys. So I guess what I’m saying is… still nothing. Oh, wait. I did have a gyro yesterday and it was nasty to me. Although, I think that has more to do with the fact that I do not have a fondness for Mediterranean food.
Symptoms | I have felt more swelling lately, primarily in my hands when I’m walking a bunch. I think I just need to drink more water. I have a pimple right in my middle of my chin. Annoying! I had not really struggled with pregnancy acne this time around as much, until this little bugger showed up. When I am on my feet for very long, for any reason, I start to feel like my hips are going to give out on me. This past weekend was a blast, but I had some achiness to show for it. I don’t know if this is pregnancy, but I’ve been really clumsy lately! I have a suspicion that it could be related to my swollen hands having trouble grabbing and holding onto things.
Doctor’s Appointment | Just had one! I already talked about it, but everything looks great! Next one is scheduled 2 weeks from now.
Movement | This little one really loves to do what I call “jumping jacks.” I feel like I’ve mentioned them before, but I just feel so many limbs and body parts stretching out and he’ll do that over and over. I like to hold a hand on each side of my belly to feel as many of the extensions as I can at once. I was just thinking this week that I haven’t felt any hiccups. I’m not sure if that just comes later in the pregnancy (I can’t remember) or he doesn’t hiccup as much as Miles did. I feel him squirming a lot lately, too, trying to get comfortable.
Belly Button | I think we can officially say outie! The anticipation was killing me… not really.
Gender | Jumping Jack
Best moment of the week | Spending a 60-something degree weekend with my Steven and Miles and getting to double-date with my bro and sis-in-law. There may have been an ice cream moment or two in there, as well.
What I’m looking forward to | Getting a dresser in the boys’ room and getting it all arranged and organized so that I feel more prepared for an infant again!
What I miss | I dwell on all the adventures I will be free to partake in once I’m no longer preggers and I really hope I actually go out and do more of those things this summer when I finally can. Any time we drive back from the city I see Schlitterbahn and think “if I wasn’t pregnant I would totally do that.” So we’ll see… haha.
You look so cute! I know you had a very stressful month. I just want to publically thank you for being there during one of the worst moments in my life…suddenly, and surprising watching my mother take her last breath! I am just happy my oldest child was there to hug and cry with…which in itself was a micracle that you were here at that time. Thank you daughter!